Grant Recipients 2016


  • Hanney Pre-School – A new laser printer being used to create both educational materials for the children and for newsletters and other administrative materials. This replaced an old one, expensive to run, and of little use one. Additional funds were granted to buy a years supply of inks.
  • Hanney Tennis Club – 2 new nets
  • Hanney Youth Group – A large selection of craft and general activity materials
  • Hanney Guides – “Our Grant has, by partly subsidizing the costs, enabled us to take the girls on a number of new activities this year – including the High Ropes Course at Abingdon and taking part in the Summer camp at Blacklands Farm in Sussex.” – Sue C
  • Community Shop – An upgraded camera required for  “evidential” purposes that would be much better and provide the Police with higher-grade pictures in the sad event of any incident.
  • Hanney Brownies – “During the summer months we do spend a lot of time outdoors and for health and safety issues needed to purchase high viz vest for the brownies and leaders to wear.   Thank you for funding these.” – Jacquie D
  • St James Primary School – A new ‘piano’ keyboard (with weighted keys) for teaching the children, which the school will use for many years to come as due to teaching space changes they could no longer use the piano in the main hall.
  • St James Church – A further contribution to the costs of installing a Loo and other facilities.
  • A grant was also awarded to the HCA for observed bird boxes.  Regrettably the Association closed its doors before they were able to install the boxes.


