Grant Recipients 2015

Grants awarded after the Fayre & Big Top Bop 2105

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  • Hanney Pre-School – Money enabling the purchase of a laptop. The preschool didn’t have a laptop just one computer the children used. Because the staff have iPod’s we can set up an online assessment monitoring system, so parents could access their child's learning and targets at home. We can now update children's learning profiles and have the flexibility to use computer programmes in the preschool setting, hook up to a projector and to monitor and develop the online assessment tool.
  • St James Primary – To upgrade the school library by providing some more comfortable seating some extra shelving and painting to make it a brighter and more relaxed atmosphere which all the pupils of St James School can enjoy.
  • Hanney History Group – Surveying equipment
  • Community Shop – A CCTV camera – including installation to cover the front door
  • Hanney Table Tennis Club – Junior Team shirts – “Knowing that our villages support the club and that the shirts we proudly wear are provided by the community we represent is very important and especially to the children. Without your support, as we have no additional funding, all new team players previously had to wear their own tops, which didn’t have anywhere near the same impact on them or the opponents!” Richard Anstis
  • Little Rainbows – A grant towards various costs and provision of healthy snacking
  • Hanney Guides – “Following the wonderful grant last year that allowed us to purchase new outdoor cooking kit this activity has become even more popular we are delighted that this year we have been able to purchase an urgently needed replacement camping gas cooker with out grant.” – Sue Clark
  • Hanney Brownies “Craft activities are very popular with our girls and a great way of encouraging them to get to know each other. Thank you for enabling us to buy more craft materials – these are greatly valued.” Jacquie Donald – Brown Owl
  • Hanney Tennis Club “Thank you – we have been able to buy tennis equipment for children, to try to get them interested in playing tennis. Our plan was to set up the net next to the playground once a month, and allow any children to have a go playing tennis, developing their ball skills and confidence. We have been able to buy portable tennis nets, soft balls and children’s racquets.” David Gahan – Chairman HTC
  • Hanney WI – A new urn
  • St James Church – Towards the Loo Fund